

来源:http://www.sdhpgy.com 日期:2019-04-22 发布人:admin
(1) Before the pipeline goes down the ditch, the elevation of the ditch bottom and the width of the ditch should be checked to meet the design requirements. The insulating pipe should check whether the insulating layer is damaged or not. If part of the insulation layer is damaged, the damaged part should be put on it, and a good mark should be made to facilitate the unified repair.
(2) Pipeline should stop sectional welding outside the groove to reduce fixed weld joints. The length of each section is usually 25-35m. No one should stand in the ditch when the pipe is laid down. When the pipe is laid down by mechanical or manual means, the pipe should be slowly and openly into the ditch, and the pipe should not bend.
(3) Pipeline welding in ditches must be cleared and straightened before joining, and operation pits should be excavated at the welding site. The size of the pits should be convenient for welding operation.
(4) Valves, fittings, compensator brackets, etc. shall be pre-positioned along the ditch edge in accordance with construction requirements before construction and shall be installed before pressure test;
(5) Pipeline water pressure test shall conform to the design requirements and standard rules, go through the procedure of hidden inspection and pressure test, and drain the water and flush the pipeline after passing the inspection;
(6)管道防腐,应预先集中处置,管道两端留出焊口的间隔,焊门处的防腐在试压完后再处置; 聚氨酯发泡保温钢管由于聚氨酯硬质泡沫保温层严密地粘结在钢管外皮,隔绝了空气和水的渗入,能起到良好的防腐作用。同时它的发泡孔都是闭合的,吸水性很小。高密度聚乙烯外壳、玻璃钢外壳均具有良好的防腐、绝缘和机械性能。因而,工作钢管外皮很难遭到外界空气和水的腐蚀。只需管道内部水质处置好,据国外材料引见,高温预制直埋保温管的运用寿命可达50年以上,比传统的地沟敷设、架空敷设运用寿命高占地少,施工快,有利环境维护,沧州供给成都聚氨酯发泡保温钢管。
(6) pipeline anticorrosion should be disposed centrally in advance. The gap between the ends of the pipeline should be set aside. The anticorrosion of the welded door should be disposed after the test pressure. The polyurethane foam insulation pipe must be tightly bonded to the outer skin of the steel pipe because of the rigid polyurethane foam insulation layer, which can prevent the infiltration of air and water and play a good anti-corrosion role. At the same time, its foaming holes are closed and its water absorption is very small. High density polyethylene shell and FRP shell have good anti-corrosion, insulation and mechanical properties. Therefore, it is very difficult for the outer skin of the working steel pipe to be corroded by the external air and water. As long as the internal water quality of the pipeline is well disposed, according to the introduction of foreign materials, the service life of the high temperature prefabricated directly buried insulation pipe can reach more than 50 years, which occupies less land than the traditional trench laying and overhead laying, and has the advantages of fast construction, favorable environmental maintenance. Cangzhou supplies high-quality polyurethane foamed insulation pipe in Chengdu.
Polyurethane foamed insulating steel pipe directly buried heating pipeline does not need to build huge trenches. It only needs to bury the insulating pipe openly, which greatly reduces the project area, reduces the earthwork excavation by more than 50%, and reduces the amount of civil masonry and concrete by 90%. At the same time, the processing of insulating pipes and digging ditches on site are stopped in parallel, and the construction period can be shortened by more than 50% with only on-site joints.
This article is organized and published by the polyurethane insulation pipe manufacturer. Do you know something about these contents? For more information, please click: http://www.sdhpgy.com. We will have more wonderful content for you to see.

产品:   聚氨酯保温钢管厂家 济南保温管 黑夹克直埋式直缝钢管

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